How Much Sleep Do You Need at Every Age?
Sleep merits a higher priority at different stages of our life. Have you ever wondered if you are getting enough or too much sleep? Well, we’ve done a bit of research to identify ideal sleep ranges for all ages.
TEENS 13-17
We all remember desperately trying to squeeze a couple of extra hours into our curfew as kids, only to have our dreams dashed by a parent that didn’t want to have to come pick us up at midnight. Turns out, our parents weren’t just prioritizing their sleep but ours as well.
Teens ages 14-17 should be getting between 8-10 hours of sleep a night to help their still-developing brains and bodies get the recovery and rest they need.
ADULTS 18-64
To effectively spend long days working, taking care of your family, or studying you need proper sleep. Adults should be getting between 7-9 hours of sleep a night.
While this is the largest category, you need to remember that these recommendations are merely guidelines to help you achieve proper recovery. If you are an athlete, new parent, or someone that suffers from debilitating sickness, you may require much more sleep. On the flip side of that coin, you may be thriving on much less. Always consult your physician for more personalized instructions on how to achieve a healthy relationship with sleep.
People 65 and older only need 7-8 hours of sleep to achieve a restorative night’s sleep. This may be because life becomes a little more sedentary as you grow older and reach retirement age.
Again, this is merely a healthy range to get you started. Please consult your physician for a more personalized sleep schedule tailored to your specific needs.
Your relationship with sleep needs to be personal, and most importantly, work with you to achieve better health. We hope this guide helped you identify a range that you should shoot for. But again, don’t be discouraged if your sleep routine doesn’t match up. Speak to your physician to find the right mixture of rest and recovery for you.